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Attack On Two Veteran Horses

Two veteran horses, situated in Powys, Wales have been the victims of a vicious attack.

During the weekend the horses had their tails removed by it appear shears. The horses were attacked during daylight hours and the attack happened over a 2 day period, in a total 3 horses have lost their tails.

Julianne Aston Founder of the organisation spoke of the attack.


'This is a very cruel and pointless thing to do to any animal. The horses were re-homed to their new owners over 18 months ago and both have been looked after beautifully. We can't imagine why someone would do such a distressing act to both the horses or the owners. It was obviously a planned attack. I would stress all owners of horses to be extra vigilant until these people are caught.'

If you do have any worries about your veteran horse please contact the society directly :
01239 881300 or you can email them via their website


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