Mother and Son
found Guilty of Causing Unnecessary Suffering to their Horse |
At Kings Lynn Magistrates Court last
Friday 20 October a mother and son were found guilty of permitting and causing
unnecessary suffering to their horse and disqualified from caring for horses
for 3 years.
Mrs. Jennings and her son of Paradise Farm,
Three Holes, Wisbech, both received a 2 year conditional discharge and ordered
to each pay costs of £500 and compensation of £850.
The ban on keeping horses comes into effect 28
days after the court hearing at which time they must not have any horses or
ponies in their care.
Says Jonathan (Jacko) Jackson, Field Officer
for the International League for the Protection of Horses (ILPH), I had
been concerned about the condition of Kazem, an Arab type horse, for some time
but could do nothing about it because in the eyes of the law he was not bad
enough for any action to be taken. But when RSPCA Inspector Sally Wells and I
visited the farm on 13th March we found him in a very emaciated state standing
in his own excretia in a stable with no bedding.
The Magistrate placed a confiscation
order on Kazem who will remain with the ILPH until a suitable new home is found
for him. I am pleased that for him at least the story will have a happy
International League for the Protection of
Horses, Anne Colvin House, Snetterton, Norwich, Norfolk NR16 2LR. Press Office
tel: 01953 497212
Registered Charity No. 206658