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The FEI Federation Equestre Internationale News

November 2001


The FEI held its Bureau Meeting on 20 and 21 November in Jerez de la Frontera (ESP) on the invitation of the 2002 World Equestrian Games Organising Committee.
The following items were discussed, decided and/or would be referred to at the FEI General Assembly to be held on 26 and 27 April in Rabat (MAR):


The Bureau approved the establishment of an Ad Hoc Working Group to work on the Revision of the FEI Statutes and General Regulations. The members are the FEI 1st Vice President Mr Freddy Serpieri (GRE), the Chairman of FEI Group IV Ms Jane Clark (USA), the Chairman of the FEI Judicial Committee Mr Ken Lalo (ISR), the Chairman of the FEI Strategic Planning Committee Dr Hanfried Haring (GER) and the FEI Secretary General.


The Bureau endorsed the final report “The Future of Eventing” prepared by the Eventing Committee following the six Forums organised in 2001. The full report is posted on the FEI website.

The Bureau approved in principle the proposed Eventing Safety programme including:
- Cooperation with Transport Research Laboratories (TRL) for the analysis of incidents
- FEI Eventing database

The revision of the Eventing Rules would be finalised and circulated to the Bureau and NFs by January 2002, in time for comments before the General Assembly. The important rules changes to be implemented in 2002 are:
- Qualification procedure based on overall results in all three tests.
- Fall of rider and horse on cross country: On Phase B and D the first fall of a horse related to an obstacle will incur elimination and the second fall of the rider will incur elimination.
- Number of refusals will be reduced to four on the whole course.
- Jumping tests: Eventing will reflect rules for Jumping. Fall of rider of horse will entail elimination.

The Bureau approved the concept and rules for a CIC World Cup to be implemented in 2002.


National Championships
The Bureau acknowledged the Jumping Committee’s decision to keep from the year 2004 the 2nd weekend in July free of international jumping events in Western Europe, in order to permit NFs to host their National Jumping Championships without interference from international events.

Invitations to CSIO Events
In response to concern raised by NFs that some NFs might find it difficult to obtain invitations to events in the Nations Cup Series, the Bureau accepted the following procedure:

At the beginning of each year interested NFs will be requested to present a plan to the FEI as to which CSIO events they wish to attend;

NFs are requested to apply for wild cards by at least twelve weeks before the event in question is due to commence;

One wild card will be allocated by the FEI eight weeks before each event is due to start;
Commencing in 2002, the FEI will have the right to nominate one wild card at each CSIO event;

The Manager of the Jumping Department will sort out requests for wild cards received from NFs;

A Committee comprising a representative of from the CSIO organisers and the Nations Cup Steering Committee will screen requests for wild cards. In case of dispute, other representatives of the organisers and Chefs’ d’Equipe will be consulted.

Guidelines for Organisers of CSI-W in Western Europe and proposed CSI-A and CSI-B Events
Guidelines for organisers were approved by the Bureau and are available at the FEI Secretariat upon request.

Promotion to Official Status.
The following were promoted to Official Status:

Mrs Yolanda Matallana (COL)
Mrs Margarita van der Graaff (MEX)

Course Designers
Mr David Ballard (CAN)
Mr Eugene Mathy (BEL)
Mr Frank Rothenberger (GER)
Mr Werner Deeg (GER)
Mr Aki Ylaenne (FIN)
Seminars and Courses 2002

The organisation of FEI Courses for Judges and Courses Designers world-wide will be co-ordinated by Mr Francis Michielsens (BEL) and a three to four year plan will be established.

CSI Categorisation.
The introduction in 2003 of a Star system for CSI Categorisation was approved with 5 different star levels. The specific requirements will be discussed with the Organisers, Riders and NFs.

Art 257.1.8 was amended effective 1st January 2002.
“Only the NF Official Jacket may be worn in Nations Cup competitions, FEI Regional , Continental and World Championship competitions and at all competitions at Olympic and Regional Games. Team Member Jackets must be the same colour.

Contact Judges
The Bureau approved the establishment of a Contact Judge for Jumping in each NF. They will be responsible for liasing between the FEI and the NF Judges.


Olympic Games
The FEI Bureau accepted the FEI Dressage Committee's proposal to increase the minimum qualification requirements for the Olympic Games from 60% to 63%. Being aware of the effect this decision could have on the number of starters at the Games, the Chairman of the Dressage Committee, Mrs Mariette Withages, proposed to postpone the decision on the Committee's proposal to reduce the number of team riders from four to three until after the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens. Therefore, for Athens the teams for Dressage will consist of a minimum of three, maximum of four rider/horse combinations (no reserve horse will be permitted). The FEI Bureau agreed with the Chairman of the Dressage Committee that the period between now and the Athens Olympics be used to consult on a broad basis with all interested parties in order to ensure that future Olympic Games offer more universality without sacrificing quality. Strong efforts will be made by the FEI to ensure that future Games are more universal.

Championship Formula
The Bureau agreed to the Dressage Committee’s proposal that the championship formula (with the individual final being a Freestyle competition) be extended to the Junior level.
A Pony Riders Freestyle test will be introduced in 2002 and will be optional for use by the organisers of CDIPs.

Dressage Working Group
The Bureau agreed that a Dressage working group be formed consisting of members of the International Dressage Judges Club, the International Dressage Riders Club and International Dressage Trainers Club. This independent panel will consider items such as rules changes, new Dressage tests, contents of seminars and courses and qualification requirements and will make recommendations and proposal to the Dressage Committee.


Measurement of Ponies
From 2002 ponies eight years old and less, measuring less than 142 cm are not required to be measured annually.

Creation of a Programme for Directing Judges Courses
Mr Gé Koenig (NED) and Mr Simon Rosenman (CAN) will establish a procedure for directing judges’ courses. This will take approximately one year to prepare. Videos will be utilised to assist instruction on Dressage.

Driving World Cup
Indoor Driving World Cup qualifying events must have at least CAI-A status. Clashing of dates will be avoided if possible.

North American FEI Challenge
With a view to generating greater interest in Driving in North America, the Bureau approved the creation of a FEI North American Challenge for Singles, Pairs and Four-in-Hand horses to commence in 2002.

Promotion to Official Status
Dr Klaus Christ (GER) was promoted to Official International Judge in Driving.

The “Best Condition Award” for horses will be formally entered in the rules as of 1 January 2002.

The Bureau approved the procedure established by the Endurance Committee for examining horses following the finish of an Endurance Ride.

The Bureau approved the rules changes proposed by the Vaulting Committee , including the qualification criteria for the 2002 World Equestrian Games, where a minimum score of 6.0 points at least at two CVI** in Europe ( one CVI**/* outside Europe) is required to qualify.

At CVI**, Continental and if possible World Championships, a consolation competition should be scheduled for vaulters who do not qualify for the second round.
The rules changes will become effective on 1 January 2002.


The Bureau approved the Children’s Committee proposal to invite the winner of the Children’s Final to the FEI General Assembly to receive his/her award.


The Bureau confirmed its acceptance of the introduction of a Dressage Freestyle test for Pony Riders.


The Bureau confirmed its acceptance of the qualification procedure for the Reining Competitions of the World Equestrian Games, as published in the FEI Bulletin and on the FEI website. The OC had limited the participation to a quota of 46 horse and riders.


The Bureau agreed on the qualification system for the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens to be confirmed by the General Assembly in April 2002. the total quota for Equestrian should be 200 riders and 227 horses. Eventing 75 riders and 75 horses, Dressage 50 riders and 50 horses, Jumping 75 riders and 75 horses + 12 reserve horses.


The following Championships were allocated:

South America – Seniors, Young Riders, Juniors & Children
Dressage CHI Santiago de Chile 28 Oct-01 Nov.

South America – Seniors
Eventing CHI Quillota 23-27 Oct.

Europe Seniors
Vaulting FRA Saumur 07-10 Aug.
Reining ITA Reggio Emilia 15-18 May or

Europe – Young Riders
Jumping FRA Le Touquet July
Dressage FRA Saumur July

Europe – Juniors
Jumping ITA Sanremo
Dressage FRA Saumur July
Eventing CZE Pardubice 07-10 Aug.

World - Young Riders/Juniors
Endurance ITA Perugia 27 Sept.

Australasian Championship – Seniors
Dressage AUS Sydney TBC

North America – Young Riders
Dressage CAN Bromont, PQ August

World – Seniors
Driving/1 SWE Flyinge 18-22 Aug.
Driving/4 HUN Budapest TBC
Vaulting AUT Stadl Paura 05-08 Aug.
Endurance UAE TBC TBC


A new central laboratory had been appointed for a period of four years, LAB in France. The sampling kits and forms were subsequently updated, and a Testing Manual produced as a guide for the Testing Veterinarians.

The Chairman of the Veterinary Committee presented a working paper prepared by Dr Higgins and himself on the future strategy for Medication control.

The Veterinary Committee Chairman announced a planned revision of the requirements for Equine Influenza vaccinations.


The FEI 2002 General Assembly will be held from 24 to 26 April in Rabat (MAR). The forum will mainly be devoted to the concept of the World Equestrian Games. Two workshops will be organised, one on Reining, one on Development.

On 21 November afternoon, the Bureau Members visited the competition venues of the 2002 World Equestrian Games. Chapin is the main complex, located in the heart of Jerez, where most competitions will take place. The installations of Garrapilos, located 17 km north-east of Jerez, will host the cross country phase of the Eventing, the Driving’s marathon and the Endurance championship. The Bureau also visited the new Headquarters of the WEG OC, who moved to Chapin last month.

The Bureau Members were impressed by the installations, which already hosted two successful test events last September, and congratulated the Organising Committee for the professional planning of the general organisation.

Driving Word Cup 2001 in Stuttgart (GER)
5th place: Hansjürg Hammann is of German nationality


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