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Marching on the Mound
Edinburgh 16th December 2001

A message from the Scottish Countryside Alliance - The Scottish Steering Committee has confirmed that they are planning a major rally and march in Edinburgh on Sunday 16th December. At this stage, the date remains to be confirmed by the relevant bodies, but this is expected within the next week.

The short notice reflects the importance of a major public demonstration before the Scottish Parliament considers, in its final form, the already heavily criticised Watson Bill. The Scottish Countryside Alliance is mobilising this protest by Scotsmen against the Bill and is seeking support from all those who share their concern and anger elsewhere in the British Isles and Overseas.

The decision to go ahead on a Sunday was a difficult one but, given the importance of large numbers and the problem that many people would have in taking time off for a weekday protest, it was felt appropriate.

Given the timescale, it is not possible to mail all CA members, other than those in Scotland, or to introduce an individual registration system for would-be attendees. Rather we will be relying upon the sporting communities, working in conjunction with the Regional Directors, to coordinate coaches and other arrangements. A detailed instruction will be issued in the coming few days.

James Stanford has kindly agreed to direct the operation at the request of the Scottish Countryside Alliance. He, Alex Armstrong and I urge everyone, however awkward the timing, to plan to come to this critically important event and to persuade your friends and neighbours to join us.

Allan Murray

Scottish Countryside Alliance

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