Equestre Internationale News
28 November 2002
- Executive Board approved changes to Eventing format for 2004 Olympic
Games in Athens
- FEI to revamp its website for 2003
- meeting of the medication sub-committee
- Golden Years Trophy
- Highlights of the Global Dressage Forum
- Aachen Horse Academy (AHA)
- In Memoriam
IOC Executive Board approved changes to Eventing format for 2004
Olympic Games in Athens
During its meeting in Mexico on 26 November, the IOC Executive Board
studied the proposal which was developed by the FEI to counter the
IOC Programme commission's recommendation to exclude Eventing from
the Olympic programme. The FEI proposes to implement a shorter Olympic
format along the lines of the existing CIC format.
The IOC Executive Board accepted FEI's proposal for the 2004 Olympic
Games in Athens. According to IOC statement, the decision on the
future of all discipline/events as part of the 2008 Olympic Games
in Beijing and onwards will be communicated after the next meeting
of the IOC Executive Board in February 2003.
The FEI President HRH the Infanta Doña Pilar de Borbón,
presently in Mexico to attend the IOC session as IOC member commented:
"I believe that the efforts of the FEI to respond with concrete
proposals to the concerns of the IOC Programme Commission have been
appreciated by the IOC Executive Board. I would like also to emphasise
once more the tremendous support of all Equestrian National Federations
around the world."
FEI To Revamp It's Website In 2003
The FEI is currently working on a completely new website to be launched
in the first semester of 2003.
Federations and individuals wishing to contribute with ideas and
proposals can send their comments in terms of contents, architecture,
navigation and design to m.faienza@horsespor.org
by 10 December 2002.
Meeting Of The FEI Medication Sub-committee
A meeting of the FEI Medication sub-Committee took place on November
15th at LAB, the central laboratory for the MCP programme. Items
of interest included:
Herbal medication: The recent positive test results for valerian
were discussed and it was agreed that warnings would be issued via
the Bulletin and FEI website, to warn riders for the use of herbal
products containing valerian. An explanatory brochure on testing
issues will be included in all FEI passports at short notice. The
brochure explains the procedure of testing in a user-friendly way
and give recommendations to riders with regard to stable management
and treatment of competition horses. Research Consortium: The recently
initiated research group would be starting research on four products
very soon; the aim was to study the excretion times for these substances.
WEG 2002: The testing results of the WEG were reviewed. A total
of 54 horses had been tested, with only 1 positive test result (valerian).
EU matters: The recent EU decisions on the use of medication in
horses were discussed. Since the EU labels horses as animals involved
in the human food chain, many products are officially not permitted
in treatment of horses, which has led to great concern in EU veterinary
Golden Years Trophy
The Final of the 2002 Golden Years Trophy was organised in Wiener
Neustadt from 18 to 20 October 2002.
The winner of the 2002 International Golden Years Trophy - Junior
is Wim Vos (NED) on Dublin V following a jump-off against Marianne
Kistler (SUI), Tomaso Conti (ITA) and Sarah Vanoni (ITA).
The winner of the 2002 Young Riders Tropy is Kristien Peeters (BEL)
on My Lord, who was in the lead of the rankings before the Final.
The FEI would like to thank Nicole Dekuyper, Secretary General of
the Golden Years Trophy for a tremendous efforts in organising and
coordinating the Series.
Global Dressage Forum
The second Global Dressage Forum took place on October 21-22 at
the Academy of the Bartels Family in the South of Holland. There
were many highlights, including a most exciting evaluation of Jerez
Dressage competition. The World Breeding Federation of Sport Horses
developed a programme, including presentations of the world's finest
young horses by the studbooks of Hannover, KWPN and Oldenburg. For
many representatives, coming from 30 countries, the presentation
of the educational program of
the German Federation "from pony rider to Grand Prix",
was really impressive and gave food for thought to countries planning
their own activities to promote the sport in the future.
After Joep Bartels and David Hunt, the newly elected President of
the International Trainers Club, opened the Forum, the USA based
trainer Robert Dover started with a clinic in which he explained
his thoughts about the discussion on riding deep or riding high.
"The frame of the horse has to be adjustable", Robert
told, which means that a rider
should be able to change the position of the head at any time, always
starting from behind, riding the horse with legs and seat forward.
It must be possible for the rider at all time to immediately adapt
the position of the head to the anatomy of the horse, his age, the
stage of training and the specific situation. In the second clinic,
by Ernst
Hoyos, a former rider of the Spanish Riding School in Vienna, a
lot of working from the ground was shown. Ernst was assisted by
Lisa Wilcox, who recently was very successful with the American
team in Jerez.
The first evening was reserved for the evaluation of Jerez 2002,
with 6 tests were presented on a big screen with the points per
movement and per judge produced at the moment that a movement was
exercised. Then, a trainers' panel asked questions and made remarks,
which were answered by the Jerez judges in an open manner. There
were lively discussions between the trainers, chaired by David Hunt
and the judges, chaired by Mariette Withages.
On Tuesday morning October 22 the World Breeding Federation presented
a very interesting explanation on the breeding of top dressage horses.
German veterinarian Dr Gerd Heuschmann, from Warendorf made a presentation
about the possible backgrounds of back and leg injuries of young
horses. Very impressing were the demonstrations by the world's best
young horses, including several world champions. Hannover presented
Wyoming and Dreseman, KWPN Rousseau and Broere Jazz, and Oldenburg
the champions Don Davidoff and Rubels.
Last part of the Global Dressage Forum was the presentation of the
systematic approach of the German Federation, which educates riders
from pony level to Grand Prix. It is certainly no coincidence that
over 50 % of the German team riders come from the young riders teams,
including such famous names as Nicole Uphoff, Isabel Werth and Ulla
Salzgeber. National pony trainer Cornelia Endres and junior trainer
Hans Heinrich Meyer zu Strohen introduced several of their pupils
to the Forum and showed how the system works in practice. Johan
Hinnemann, as always a darling of the crowd, demonstrated the last
difficult part of bringing a young rider to Grand Prix level with
his pupil Marlies van Baalen. Warendorf's Christoph Hess was the
overall presentator of this item and gave explanation about the
backgrounds and details of this highly educational item.
Based on a questionnaire, filled in by most of the participants,
the decision has already been made by the International Dressage
Trainers Club and the Academy, that the third Global Dressage Forum
will take place in September/October 2003.
Aachen Horse Academy (AHA)
Established in May 2002 as an independent foundation, AHA aims at
the relationship of horse and man as a fundamental dimension of
civilisation and culture
The primary purpose of the Aachen Horse Academy foundation is to
support and promote an international, interdisciplinary approach
to understanding the history of the horse in society. Simultaneously,
it is to provide an educational forum for all those who wish to
reinforce their passion for horses and horse related activities
with solid
knowledge and comprehensive facts. The objective of the Academy
is to gather under one roof varied enterprises and research projects
focussing on the past, present and future of the horse and horsemanship
in art and culture.
In its meeting of 7 November 2002 the FEI Executive Board agreed
to active cooperation between the FEI and AHA on matters of common
interest. Two FEI representatives would be appointed as members
of 1) the AHA Kuratorium and 2) the AHA Scientific Advisory Council,
an Internet link would be established between the FEI and AHA; and
international AHA events would be published in the FEI Calendar.
In Memoriam
Mr Jose Gamarra Zorrilla (BOL), a well known international judge,
passed away on 11 June aged 78. As a former President of the Bolivian
National Federation, the Bolivian Olympic Committee and the Los
Sargentos equestrian club, he took part in the organisation of such
major sports events as the Bolivarian and the Odesur Games.
Mr Kurt Baettig (SUI), international judge in Jumping passed away
on 27 November, aged 55. Very active and appreciated within the
Swiss Equestrian Federation and worldwide, he became member of the
national Jumping committee in the seventies and was elected member
of the federation's executive board from 1992 to 1996. For many
years, he officiated as National Jury President.