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Record Crowds Attend 119th National Horse Show On THANKSGIVING DAY

Wellington, FL – Thanksgiving Day brought a record crowd of 8000 spectators to watch a shortened schedule of events. The highlight of the schedule was the spectacular dressage exhibition of Friesian horses performing in the International Arena.

The National Horse Show was previously held at Madison Square Garden in New York City and The Meadowlands in New Jersey before moving to Wellington. National Horse Show Chairman, Eugene R. Mische said, “I think we have finally hit the winning formula. I have every intention of making this an annual Thanksgiving tradition here at the Palm Beach Polo Equestrian Center.”

General Admission tickets are available by phone at (561) 753-3389. Tickets are $10 for adults and $7 for seniors on Friday and Saturday. Children 12 and under are free. Tickets for the “Grand Finale” on Sunday are $15 for adults and $7 for seniors - 12 and under are free.


Class: 1102 - $5000 National Amateur Owner Welcome Stake
1st - Lift Off - Maggie Ferguson – owner/rider - $1500
2nd – Rex Get Busy – Victoria Dagastino – owner/rider - $1000
3rd – Kennedy – Laura Linback, Woodrun Farm - $500

Class: $5000 Bet on Jazz Junior Welcome Stake

1st –Mandella – Derek Braun, Derek Braun and Split Rock Farm (owner) $1500
2nd- Melbourne – Charlie Jayne, Alex R. Jayne (owner) - $1000
3rd – Casanova – Jennifer Urioste – owner/rider - $500

Class: 3103 Ladies Side Saddle under saddle

1st –Grayson – Adel Dukes (owner/rider)
2nd – Mistress Connie – Joyce McDonald rider, Mary Laura Cramer owner
3rd – Silverlining – Sandra Litvin – owner/rider

Class: 3801 Victor Hugo-Vidal Equitation – Phase One, Flat Phase

1st – Maggie Jayne
2nd – Courtney McKay
3rd- Erin Stewart
4th –Krista Freundilch
5th – Whitney Roper
6th – Jamie Taylor
7th –Whitney Hollinger
8th – Kristy McCormick
9th – Amy Lowery



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