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horse 9 out of top 10 riders in the world coming to Olympia PLUS the World Champion!

The organisers of the world famous Olympia International Show Jumping Championships, London have received entries from 9 of the top 10 riders in the world along with a supporting line-up that reads like a who’s who of show jumping.

Heading the list and jumping for the first time in England since his World Championship win will be Dermott Lennon (IRL) along with World No.1 Ludger Beerbaum (GER) and World Cup winner Otto Becker (GER). A total of 13 countries will be represented at the show.

The British line-up will include current British No. 1 Michael Whitaker along with three other members of his family John, Robert and Ellen. Away from the Whitaker’s the audience will be looking forward to seeing Arko, Nick Skelton’s very promising Stallion. Amongst the other British riders will be Andrew Davies who brings a strong team including the much-recognised Captain Wellington. Richard Davenport, William Funnell, Di Lampard, Keith Shore, Robert and Scott Smith and Tim Stockdale complete the line-up.

Adam Brown, Director of Olympia International Show Jumping Championships said, “A line-up this good in golf is called The Masters and that is what this year’s show will be, The Masters of international show jumping. It is a testament to the quality of the show we put on at Olympia and the courses that Bob Ellis (GBR) builds, that the riders fall over themselves to secure an invitation to the show.”

There will be a prize fund of £234,000 on offer at the 31st running of the show and 20 world-class competitions, with the Accenture Christmas Puissance, the World Cup Qualifier, the Masters and the Grand Prix just four of the blue ribbon classes.

World-class show jumping is just part of the fantastic timetable being offered this year, the barely believable Flying Csikos from Hungary, the Metropolitan Police as you have never seen them before and the leaping frogs have been combined with family favourites, The Osborne Refrigerators Shetland Pony Grand National, the Pedigree Dog Agility classes and the traditional Christmas Finale, to give you the best pre-Christmas opportunity for family entertainment that the country can offer.

There will be ten performances at Olympia from Wednesday 19th December – Sunday 23rd December. The box office can be contacted on 0870 733 0733 or visit the website at.


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