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horse Olympia secures prime time TV

Don’t despair if you just can’t make it to Olympia International Show Jumping Championships 19th – 23rd December 2002 because you still have another option! BBC Television will be giving you a 2 hour-long Christmas special from 2.30p.m. to 4.30p.m. on Sunday 22nd December with a mixture of live and recorded classes. Eurosport will be covering the show live on 19th, 20th, 21st and 22nd December between 9 and 10p.m, televising the highlights of the World Cup Qualifier on 21st December between 8 and 9p.m and showing the Grand Prix on Monday 23rd December.

You can also get your daily fix of all the action at the UK’s favourite festive equestrian extravaganza by logging onto the official Olympia website at The website is updated on a daily basis, has a live results page and covers all the most exciting aspects of the show. You can even choose a selection of audio clips, which will play immediately without having to be downloaded first.

So if you can’t come to the show this year then let the show come to you!

There will be ten performances at Olympia from Thursday 19th December – Monday 23rd December. For tickets telephone the box office on 0870 733 0733 or visit the web site at For Private Boxes please call Ianthe Pearce on 020 7370 8206.


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