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American Paint Horse Association staffers earn two Awards of Excellence

FORT WORTH, Texas-Staff members of the American Paint Horse Association earned two different 2003 APEX Awards for Publication Excellence recently.

The first Award of Excellence went to Jerry Circelli and Tracy Madison in the APEX Awards "Online and Electronic Newsletter" category. They won for their design, creation and publication of the APHA e-newsletter-a monthly online member publication with links to Web-based stories and press releases about American Paint Horses.

Circelli serves as director of communications and public relations for the American Paint Horse Association, while Madison is a developer with the organization's information technology team.

Circelli earned another award in the category of "Campaigns, Programs and Plans," for his work on the association's Legacy of Color bronze promotion. The Legacy of Color is a larger-than-life-size bronze of four Paint Horses that was erected at the entrance of the American Paint Horse Association headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas. Circelli's award was based on his overall public relations campaign and results achieved. Through his promotional efforts, the American Paint Horse Association and the Legacy of Color bronze have been featured nationally in the media and graced the cover of one million copies of the SBC Greater Fort Worth Yellow Pages directories.

APHA is in good company with the awards, with other winners that included Lockheed, Century 21, Prudential Financial, Kraft Foods and Hewlett-Packard.

The APEX 2003 Annual Awards for Publication Excellence competition recognizes outstanding public relations work and the creation of top-quality publications. It is sponsored by Communications Concepts in Springfield, Va.

According to the APEX 2003 judges, "The awards were based on excellence in graphic design, quality of editorial content and the success of the entry in conveying the message and achieving overall communications effectiveness."

About American Paint Horses
Since its founding 41 years ago, The American Paint Horse Association has registered more than 748,000 horses. Currently, American Paint Horses are being registered at a rate of about 60,000 horses each year, making it one of the fastest-growing breed registries in the world. The association serves more than 106,000 members in 41 nations.

For more information about the American Paint Horse and the American Paint Horse Association, visit, or call (817) 834-2742




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