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horse British Horse Society celebrates outstanding achievements at annual November Awards ceremony

The British Horse Society celebrated outstanding achievements with its annual November Awards ceremony last week (12 November). Presented by the Rt Hon Robin Cook, award recipients ranged from BHS volunteers to local authorities, all reflecting the tremendous work that is undertaken to benefit horses and riders.

Achievements for access & rights of way, road safety, long service, young rider support, training, promotion of the BHS and work overseas were all represented in the seventeen awards, presented at Saddlers' Hall in London by permission of the Worshipful Company of Saddlers.

Following the ceremony Robin Cook, who has recently accepted an invitation by the BHS to become an Honorary Vice-President, spoke of his involvement with horses, having taken up riding as a hobby later in life. He found horse riding relaxing, as he had 'yet to find a horse that wanted to talk politics'.

Mr Cook noted that 'horse owners do not keep horses in their spare time, if you have horses the rest of your life is what you do in your spare time' and congratulated the volunteers who dedicated their spare time to the horse. He added that what makes an organisation work is its people and this is true of the BHS.

He commented on the need for the Society to receive active support from Defra and local government, citing the BHS initiated Ragwort Control Bill and access achievements as successful results. This work would be enhanced by the creation of the BHS All Party Parliamentary Group for the Horse, set up earlier in the year and which he himself would be chairing. "What brings us together is love of the horse. Common purpose and harmony make a real impact," said Mr Cook.


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