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Equine Vision And The Blood-Horse Announce Cooperative Venture: 2004 Virtual Stallion Guide

LEXINGTON, KY - The Blood-Horse, the industry's most widely-read news and information magazine for Thoroughbred racing and breeding, and Equine Vision, a groundbreaking, new marketing resource that harnesses the latest advances in digital imagery and global communications, announce the release of a new cooperative venture: the 2004 Virtual Stallion Guide. The 2004 Virtual Stallion Guide is a CD-ROM and Internet marketing tool for Thoroughbred stallions, and features digital imagery, including Equine Vision's proprietary 360-degree photography, conformation (walking) video, conformation still photography, and race footage.

The first edition of the 2004 Virtual Stallion Guide showcases over 45 top stallions and will be distributed to Blood-Horse subscribers in the November 22 issue. Links embedded on the CD-ROM will allow users to launch their browser and link directly to the Online Blood-Horse Stallion Register. A second CD-ROM version will be released in January 2004. The online edition of the Virtual Stallion Guide will be released with the expansion of the Online Stallion Register on January 14, 2004. Multi-media presentations of over 100 top stallions will be available.

"I am delighted to see this alliance come together with such a positive and productive result. The Blood-Horse is, without a doubt, the leader in delivering breeding and racing content to the Thoroughbred industry. The Online Stallion Register is already a tremendous resource for breeders and the Virtual Stallion Guide will visually enhance this valuable research tool," said Daniel Burgner, President of Equine Vision. "Now an owner in Japan can simultaneously consult with a bloodstock agent in Europe and a stallion manager in Kentucky while looking at the same multi-media stallion presentations. The Virtual Stallion Guide CD-ROM editions offer breeders that do not have access to high-speed computer connections the same advantages that our online broadband users enjoy. This alliance is truly a win-win situation for breeders and stallion farms alike."

Stacy V. Bearse, President and CEO of Blood-Horse Publications, commented, "This innovative stallion marketing tool is an outstanding union of print, online, and video. The end result is a tremendous advantage for both advertisers and end users. Video is a tricky thing. If it is not done right, it can be counterproductive. With the 2004 Virtual Stallion Guide, the best in the digital video imagery business have aligned themselves with the best in the print and online business-and our customers are the happy beneficiaries."

Equine Vision was founded by Daniel Burgner in Santa Barbara, CA, to create unique production processes to market Thoroughbred horses. In addition to the Virtual Stallion Guide, Equine Vision creates custom CD-ROM and DVD marketing programs for stallion farms. Equine Vision also recently produced the Keeneland September Sales Preview television show that aired on TVG.

The Blood-Horse is the oldest continually published North American Thoroughbred magazine and is published by Blood-Horse Publications, a multimedia publishing company that traces its roots to 1916. The company also publishes The Horse: Your Guide To Equine Health Care, a monthly equine health care magazine; TBH MarketWatch, a newsletter for Thoroughbred investors; the official Kentucky Derby and Breeders' Cup souvenir magazines; Auction Edge; and Keeneland magazine. In addition, Blood-Horse Publications also operates a family of leading Web sites including and


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