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All dislodged San Diego Firestorm horses gone from Del Mar Fairgrounds

DEL MAR, CA - As of Friday, Nov. 7, 2003, the Del Mar Fairgrounds is no longer housing horses or any other animal dislodged by the San Diego County Firestorm.
All animals were removed by San Diego Department of Animal Control (SDDAC) officials and taken to animal hospitals or moved to the Poway Humane Society; where they will be held until their owners claim them, or they are put up for adoption.

There were only two horses of the more than 900 that passed through the Fairgrounds during the crisis that remain unclaimed: a 20-year-old dark brown Arabian stallion, and an elderly gray Arabian-mix gelding. Images of the unclaimed horses will remain on the Fairgrounds website: <> through Nov. 14.
For information on the two unclaimed horses, please contact the Poway Humane Society, 15069 Sycamore Canyon Road, in Poway. Phone: 858-486-0638
For more information on any missing or unclaimed animal in San Diego County, Please contact the SDDAC at 619-236-4250.

The staff of the Fairgrounds would like to thank the hundreds of volunteers who donated their time and efforts to care for the dislodged animals; and also to thank the public for their outpouring of generosity in providing food, and all types of supplies to the Fairgrounds during the crisis. Their kindness and generosity was greatly appreciated by the Fairgrounds staff.


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