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Hammond Communications Group projects garner awards at state competition

A Hammond designed CD-ROM, television spot and park promotional video for the Kentucky Horse Park, garnered several awards at the Kentucky Tourism Council's annual Traverse Awards Gala.

The CD-ROM was an integral part of the marketing effort for the park's All The Queen's Horses exhibit, a landmark presentation of rare pieces held at the International Museum of the Horse. The CD reflected the period feel of the exhibit and supplied images, information and a timeline of the art and artifacts presented. The exhibit's press kit, which included the CD-ROM, won first place in Direct Mail. The CD-ROM won third place by itself in Direct Mail. The All The Queen's Horses television commercial won 3rd place in the Television Commercials category. And, the Hammond-produced Kentucky Horse Park promotional video won 2nd place in Promotional Videos.

The Traverse Awards honor the best work in advertising and marketing within the Kentucky tourism industry. The Frankfort-based Kentucky Tourism Council represents all sectors of the state's tourism trade. Honors were chosen out of a record number of entries by a panel of out-of-state judges. The awards were distributed on October 14 in Louisville, Kentucky.

Hammond Communications Group is a full service multimedia production company with offices in Lexington and Cincinnati. Founded over twenty years ago by sportscaster Tom Hammond and current President Ron Mossotti, Hammond has its roots in equine video production. Its list of clientele includes the NCAA, Keeneland, Churchill Downs, Fasig-Tipton, Valvoline, Lexmark, the United States Dressage Federation and many other local and national organizations.

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