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Jerry Smit riding Nadir of San Patrignano's stud

Since today, Jerry Smit will compete with Nadir, the best horse of San Patrignano's stud. Smit was the first Italian rider to enter the FEI rankings among the top ten riders in the world and he participated in three Olimpic games, three World Championships and five European Championships. With the Austrian Hugo Simon, he was the only rider in the world to gain a double victory in the Pulsar Crown International circuit (Valkensward '99 and Cannes 2000), winning the highest prize ever paid in a jumping competition: 800.000,00 euro. Nadir is a grey 8 years old stallion, descendent of Holsteiner Corrado (from Cor de la Bryère) and Lancerina (from Lancer), both international winners. He gained the Italian Champion title (7 years old rank) and in 1999 he won the first stallion performance test ever taking place in our country.

Giacomo Muccioli, responsible of the San Patrignano's breeding farm and sports events expressed his full satisfaction for the choice: "Jerry is certainly an experienced rider endowed with an exceptional competitive spirit and technique and I am sure that they will represent a high level pair. Our dream is to see them together at the European Championships in 2005, which will take place here in San Patrignano. We wish to express our deep gratitude to Fernando Fourcade, who will join a new scud and continue with his sports activity after 12 years spent within our community. Fernando has been the first to believe in Nadir and during these years he won several championships all over the world with San Patrignano's horses. Fernando is a friend and he will always be part of our family. I am sure he will continue to be successful in his new team."

Equally satisfied with his comment is Jerry Smit: "During my career I have been riding several top level horses but this is the first time that an Italian horse enters in my team. I believe this represent a good sign for Italian equestrian. Moreover I feel very motivated by the fact that Nadir is coming from San Patrignano's studs, which are managed by its young guests. This attaches a even greater importance to each result obtained."


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