Proposed Rule Changes Available
listing of all proposed rule changes going forward for consideration
by the U.S. Equestrian Board of Directors, at the 2004 U.S. Equestrian
Meeting being held January 14 18, 2004, in Los Angeles,
CA, is located on the Federations website at http://www.equestrian.org/rulechange/prc2003.asp.
Additionally, a booklet containing a summary of the proposed rule
changes is available and can be obtained by contacting Marie Murphy
at (859) 225-6922 or via email at mmurphy@equestrian.org.
Equestrian was formed through the combination of USA Equestrian
and the United States Equestrian Team. The vision of U.S. Equestrian
is to provide leadership for equestrian sport in the United States
of America, promoting the pursuit of excellence from the grass
roots to the Olympic Games, based on a foundation of fair, safe
competition and the welfare of its horses, and embracing this
vision, to be the best national equestrian federation in the world.