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AHJF Hunter Classic Spectacular


WHAT: The American Hunter-Jumper Foundation Hunter Classic Spectacular. This is a qualifying event featuring the top national amateur, junior and professional show hunter riders. This premier equine event offers the top money in the nation. It is the one event hunter riders aspire to compete in. There is no entry fee for the competitors. Riders qualify through preliminary competitions held during the Winter Equestrian Festival, February 12-16, 2003.

WHEN: February 15th – 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM

WHERE: Winter Equestrian Festival, 14440 Pierson Rd., Wellington, FL. Event will take place in the International Arena, a large grassy field in a beautiful tropical setting, surrounded by spectator and sponsor tents. The arena is lower than the surrounding tents offering viewers a great chance to see the competition.


WHY: This is a major fundraiser for the American Hunter-Jumper Foundation, Inc. (AHJF) and its programs. The AHJF was formed to further the development of the equestrian sport of show hunter rider and show jumping competition by providing a national office to organize, coordinate and support hunter rider and show jumping equestrian competition. Programs of the AHJF include the World Championship Hunter Rider Awards, the AHJF Emergency Relief Fund, AHJF Educational Programs, the AHJF BSA Inc. 401k and Profit Sharing Plan and the Legacy Cup.

HOW: Riders who have earned the title of champion and reserve champion in the preliminary competition in the junior, amateur and professional divisions and are current members of the AHJF qualify to compete in this no entry fee class.


WHAT THE JUDGE IS LOOKING FOR: Show hunters are judged on the style of the horse. The horse should look as if it could carry a rider smoothly, comfortably and safely over a course of natural style jumps. The horses should be both elegant and agile as they negotiate obstacles similar to those encountered on a foxhunt.

THE JUDGING SYSTEM: Eight judges are paired in teams of two and positioned in four places around the arena. Each team presents a single numerical score (0-100) and the four scores are averaged for a single round score. After the second round, the two scores are averaged for a final two round score. Roughly, twenty-five horses compete in the first round and the top eight highest performers come back for a second round. The height of the fences varies from 3’6” to 4’. The winner of the class is the horse with the highest two-round score.


JUDGES: Ann Braswell, Robert Braswell, Karen Healey, Randy Henry, Mark Jungherr, Randy Mullens, Tammy Provost, Steve Wall.

COURSE DESIGNER: Michael Rheinheimer

ANNOUNCERS: Kenny Kraus, Brian Lookabill

PURCHASING A TABLE: To purchase a table for the sponsor reception and dinner, please call the Winter Equestrian Festival Special Event Office at 561-753-3389.

SPONSORS: Tad Coffin Performance Saddles and The American Hunter-Jumper Foundation, Inc.

Geoff Teall

Louise Serio


By Diana De Rosa
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