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Al Fares Proves A Big Hit For Trade

THE Al Fares Dubai International Trade Fair proved to be one of the year's most successful foreign trade event for British exhibitors.

Thanks to funding from Trade Partners UK under the SESA (Support for Exhibitions and Seminars Abroad) scheme, which was secured by BETA, the show drew some 49 British exhibitors.

BETA Chief Executive and Secretary Claire Williams was delighted with the response to the show and said all the companies in the delegation reported an excellent show.

Under the expert eye of the fairs UK agent, Antony Wakeham, the whole show ran very smoothly with the British contingent attracting a lot of attention including coverage on Dubai's prime time business channel.

Claire was interviewed on behalf of the group securing a five minute slot on national television, while also gaining many column inches in the business press.

"There was a wonderful atmosphere within the group and everyone helped each other. It really was a successful show." said Ms Williams.

Exhibitors included Seven Seas Pet and Animal Health Care who were at the fair promoting the well known Super Solvitax range of supplements.

Marketing Manager Tony Day said: "We were delighted with the response the market in the Middle East is growing all the time.

"The equine market in the Gulf Emirates has really taken off and Dubai is fast becoming a world centre for racing."

Liz O'connor of Tuffa International Footwear said: "At the beginning of 2002 I would certainly not have imagined that by the end of the year I would be talking face to face with a sheik, giving him all the reasons why he should be replacing his sandals with a pair of Tuffa boots.

"With huge encouragement from Antony Wakeham and his team I was persuaded to take a trade stand at Al Fares 2002 to see what business might materialise.

"The fair was well attended by a cross section of the public and businesses, and whilst not easy to access the intentions of all the interested parties we were very happy with the volume of enquiries across the Emirates and shall certainly be visiting again in 2004."

Peter Kearon, International Business Executive with Robinson Animal Healthcare said: "The show was a real success for us, we saw a number of distributors who we have worked with in the past and the face to face meeting really helped to cement relationships.

"We also picked up some new contacts and there was a lot of interest shown in our both well established products and recent launches such an Vetalintex and Activ Wash."

Phil Bowen of Alva International added: "Making the visit to Al Fares proved very worthwhile, we will certainly go again."


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