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The rare black Irish Draught stallion, Corrcullen  

The rare black Irish Draught stallion, Corrcullen, continues to show proof of his great athletic ability and versatility, having additional eventing and dressage successes in 2002. Ridden by Carol Kozlowski at the prestigious Stuart Horse Trial and One Star in 2002, he had the third best score HC (Hors Concours) at Training Level and was placed second at Genesee Valley Hunt Horse Trial. Both finishes were on his dressage scores without jumping or time penalties. At his first ever dressage test, he had firsts in each class entered, at Training and First Level, at the WYNDA Fall Finale and Championship Dressage test this year. At present, he is schooling second and third level movements.

Kozlowski who has had an outstanding eventing career and rode Erin Go Bragh, the famous Connemarra eventing stallion has enjoyed working with Cully another Irish horse. She finds that he has a great temperament, athletic ability and versatility. During the eventing season, for additional experience she suggested that he enter the Western New York Dressage Association Fall Finale. Competing against some of the best dressage horses and riders in central and western New York he was placed first in both classes he entered through First level.

In addition to progress in competition consistent with his age and experience, he has hunted for two seasons first field with the Limestone Creek Hunt. Competition and an active breeding season is all taken in stride - another testament to his wonderful temperament.

Other competition greats have trained Cully and have been generous with praise. He spent a month at Chesterland in 2001 with Bruce and Buck Davidson who commented that he was a very brave and very good jumper. Later he spent time with Kevin Babington of the Irish National show Jumping Team who was very impressed with his talent. Late in the 2001 season, Diann Rofffe Steinrotter rode him to 5th place at Millbrook at Training Level (his second event ever and Diann had never ridden him before). Likewise she was very impressed with his talent and temperament.

This winter he will be continuing his training in the Olympic disciplines and will compete on the schooling jumper circuit. No doubt this will prepare him for additional successes at the upper levels of competition for the 2003 season.


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