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horse Irish Participation In International Equestrian Events

CSI-W GENEVA SWITZERLAND 12 – 15 DECEMBER 2002 – Peter Charles with
Corrada, Mulligan and Orange Juice. Fax: 41 22 738 18 58
Web: e-mail:

CSI-A FRANKFURT GERMANY 12 – 15 DECEMBER 2002 – Jessica Kurten with
Preishammer, Quebel, Duke of Lando and Lady Preishammer. Dennis Lynch
with Luigi, Goucho du Lesme and Landos. Dermott Lennon with Dow Jones
Courcel, Anthem and Ginger Watt. Tel: 49 4441 969 0 Fax: 49 4441 969

CSI-A MILANO ITALY 13 - 15 DECEMBER 2002 – Conor Swail with Windgates
Mystique and Windgates King Koal. Robert Splaine with Coolcorron Cool
Diamond, Springfield Ohio, or Clonnola Moll. Edy Dermody with Hors de
Wooz and Landgraff. Tel/Fax: 39 0331 73 10 67 e-mail:

CSI-B GENOVA ITALY 20 – 22 DECEMBER 2002 - Conor Swail with Windgates
Mystique, Windgates King Koal, Parlando and Windgates Paragon. Robert
Splaine with Springfield Ohio, Coolcorron Cool Diamond and Clonnola
Moll. Edy Dermody with Hors de Wooz, Landgraff and Laila. Tel: 39 010
808 757 Fax: 39 010 808 048 e-mail:

CSI-W MECHELEN BELGIUM 26 – 30 DECEMBER 2002 – Jessica Kurten with
Paavo N, Preishammer and Duke of Lando. Tel: 32 15 75 39 68
Fax: 32 15 75 25 40 e-mail:


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