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horse Country music star brings horse to top notch equine facility in Central Florida

Orlando, December 2002 - Kenny and Joan Sims, owners of Highlife Farms announced today that legendary country music singer, George Jones arrived on property to unload one of his masterpieces. Not a song but a horse: a big Percheron horse named Lakota by Avatars Knight's Commander. This phenomenal animal will be trained and taken care of to the highest of standards at Highlife Farms.

Jones, who lives in Tennessee with his wife Nancy, plans on making multiple trips to Central Florida and Highlife Farms to admire his horses progress and to relax. When asked why Highlife Farms, Jones said, "I've known the Sims family for many years and trust their work ethics. Even though I live hundreds of miles away, I trust Highlife Farms and wouldn't let this incredible horse go anywhere else."

"Lakota," a 2 year old, 16-hand, 1,725-pound Percheron, is in great care. Highlife Farms employs a very knowledgeable staff that is skilled in taking existing learned patterns and implementing them into future lessons. Single Horse Cart Driving is one technique that Highlife Farms will continue in "Lakota's" training program.

The arrival of this caliber horse and owner is no surprise since Highlife Farms is known for their unsurpassed breeds and facility. Many of the horses on property are imported from Europe and used for successful breeding and showing. Stallions standing at stud, such as the highly talented Pilox by Pilot and Highlife by Habicht are a few enjoying the Central Florida atmosphere. In 2003, the aggressive importing schedule continues with world famous horses including Donnerhall son, stallion - Danse diabolique and the 17.2 hands Bundeschampionate winner,
Der Euro by Don Schufro.

For the equestrian enthusiast, Highlife Farms is a dream. With an oversized covered arena, jumping paddocks, and 50 acres of lush paddocks, the facility offers something for everyone, at any experience level and age. If it's breeding, boarding or training your looking for, Highlife Farms can help. Call 407.293.0110 to schedule an appointment to tour this world class facility.


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