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ILPH Ball An Unqualified Success

A great time was had by all at the ILPH (International League for the Protection of Horses) Equine Jubilee Celebration Ball held in London at the end of November when over 750 revellers danced until the small hours.

Roly Owers, Director (Support) at the ILPH, said after the Ball " We were delighted to mark our 75th Anniversary in such a special way. The Ball wasn't run as a fundraising exercise - we just wanted an opportunity to celebrate the horse and the work of the ILPH since its foundation in 1927."

But now after all the final sums have been done, thanks to the generous sponsorship and ticket sales surpassing expectation, all the costs were covered. This allows the auction and raffle revenue of £23,000 to be put towards the ILPH work to help improve equine welfare around the world.

Continues Roly Owers, "We have been overwhelmed by the generosity of our sponsors, those who donated auction and raffle prizes and for those who bid for auction items. Our sincere thanks must go out to all of them. Thanks too to all of our supporters who came along to celebrate with us, we were delighted to see so many of them."


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