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horse The Social Scene Sizzles At The 119th National Horse Show

Wellington, Florida---December 2, 2002---The 119th National Horse Show, held for the first time at The Palm Beach Polo Equestrian Club in Wellington, Florida, concluded yesterday. The National, founded in 1883 by members of New York’s Social Register, traditionally brings together the best horses and riders in the U. S. competing for some of the most prestigious and lucrative prizes in the equestrian world.

More than 57,000 spectators jammed the stands and enjoyed the competitions and exhibitions during the six-day show. Sponsors The Palm Beach Post, Lexus, BET, Adequan and Kilkenny Insurance were gratified to have been associated with such a successful endeavor.

But what was the equestrian in-crowd up to during those six days? During the day, those in the know wined and dined, while watching the competition, at The Diamond Horseshoe Club Tent, overlooking The Internationale Arena. An elaborate continental breakfast started each day off at 8am, with lunch and beverages served beginning at 11:30am --- all with proper linens, china, crystal and silverware. The Diamond Horseshoe Club Tent, exquisitely appointed with flower-filled window boxes, wainscoting and chandeliers, was by far the best place to see and be seen during the week.

Tuesday’s Opening Night Cocktail Party at The Palm Beach Equestrian Country Club attracted over 150 riders, trainers, owners and sponsors. Served hors d’oeuvres and beverages, plus an elegant buffet surrounding a huge ice sculpture of a horse’s head, set the tone for the week.

On Wednesday evening, over 200 attended a private party at the gorgeous home of Mr. and Mrs. Randolph V. Aversano located in The Palm Beach Polo Club.

Thursday was Thanksgiving Day. The show’s abbreviated schedule that day allowed one and all to enjoy the latter part of the day with family and friends.

Friday evening’s “Jumping Under The Stars” black-tie gala was the high point of the week’s social schedule. Co-chairmen Mason Phelps, Jr. and Beverly Lake Wilkes oversaw the hugely successful event. Held in The Diamond Horseshoe Club Tent, over 400 of the equestrian world’s crème de la crème came out to enjoy the festivities while watching the evening’s competitions in The Internationale Arena. Familiar owner/exhibitor/sponsor names, loyal supporters of U.S. equestrian sports for many, many years, were in attendance: names such as Firestone, Goodman, Phelps, Matz, Wilkes, Clarke, Lloyd, Steinwedell, Currey, Hooker, Henry and Sutton, to name but a few. The five-course dinner was exquisite, and the partygoers did not leave until well after midnight.

After Saturday’s competitions, an exhibitor barbeque was held, where casual and relaxed were the operative moods.

All in all, the social set had a full schedule and left exhausted and exhilarated, soon to return to Wellington for the beginning of The Winter Equestrian Festival in January 2003.



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