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horse Could You Be A World Neighing Champion?

How is your neighing? Are you a good imhorseanator? Well here is your chance to become a World Champion. The organisers of the Olympia International Show Jumping Championships (19th-23rd December) have teamed up with Sony Ericsson and are giving you the opportunity to become the first-ever World Neighing Champion!

All you have to do is visit the Sony Ericsson stand in the Grand Hall during the show and they will record your voice and you will then be judged by one of the Sony Ericsson team of international show jumpers. There will be a prize for the winner of each performance and each performance winner will go through to the Grand Final!

Not only will you be the World Neighing Champion, you will also walk away with a magnificent Sony Ericsson T68i, which will be presented to you on the final evening by one of the world’s greatest show jumpers, Franke Sloothaak! The Sony Ericsson T68i is all about imaging, usability, great looks and the latest mobile technology. As the first ever phone to support MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service), it's the most expressive way to communicate on the move.

There will be ten performances at Olympia from Thursday 19th December – Monday 23rd December. Contact the box office, telephone 0870 733 0733 or visit the web site at for online bookings. For Private Boxes please call Ianthe Pearce on 020 7370 8206.

For further information on the T68i visit or for more information on the Sony Ericsson Team visit


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