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CHA Sponsor Rein-Aid Productions

The Certified Horsemanship Association is delighted to announce their recent sponsorship from Virginia based company Rein-Aid Productions. The CHA is a non-profit organization promoting excellence in safety and education for the benefit of individuals and group riding programs. Today CHA is the largest and most active instructor certification system in North America with over 4,000 instructors and approximately 700 new instructors certified annually. Certification is available for a variety of disciplines and offers different levels of qualification. Certification clinics are held at program member facilities throughout North America and range in price from $450-$600. Educational manuals are included in the price which often covers lodging and meals in addition to the instruction and examination.

Rein-Aid Productions has long been encouraging correct and compassionate horsemanship through their variety of elastic training aids. The company is excited to be a part of the CHA and believes that the symbiosis between the two organizations is a logical step towards improving horsemanship on a national level.

Those wishing for more information on both the CHA and Rein-Aid are invited to contact CHA at 800-724-1446/ or Rein-Aid at 800-773-4885/


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