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Derby House To Sponsor British Riding Clubs National Championships

IN an exciting development, Derby House is to sponsor the British Riding Clubs National Championships in 2004.

Each year the championships attract more than 1,500 competitors who have qualified at Area Qualifiers held around the country and in Northern Ireland throughout the spring and summer.

The Derby House British Riding Clubs National Championships take place at the Lincolnshire Showground which provides superb facilities. The 2004 event will be held on September 11 and 12.

With classes for dressage competitors, showjumping, veteran horses and ponies, Riding Tests, Pairs and Equitation at all levels from novice to open the championships is believed to be the largest of its kind.

Derby House Marketing Director Paula Burrows said: "We are delighted to be sponsoring the British Riding Clubs National Championships.

"Riding Club members are very supportive of Derby House and we are keen to put something back into their sport.

"The national championships are always a lot of fun and we are very much looking forward to being a part of the team in 2004."

Emma Spivey of BRC said: "To have an overall sponsor such as Derby House for the national championships is a major boost for the Riding Clubs movement.

"We will be working closely with Derby House throughout 2004 and look forward to an exciting year ahead."


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