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Jo Shairp is the new Dressage Ireland P.R.O.

Paul Byrne, Chairman of Dressage Ireland stated today (Wednesday 10th December 2003) << "I am delighted to welcome Jo as P.R.O. of Dressage Ireland. I believe her appointment will greatly assist us to further enhance the steadily growing national and international profile of Irish dressage. Paul Nolan who filled the role for a number
of years felt that it was time for him to stand down and on behalf of Dressage Ireland I would like to thank him for his dedicated efforts over the years" >>.

Jo is from Rotherfield, East Sussex, England. She has been living in Durrow, Co Laois, Ireland since 1989. She is involved in eventing and the training of horses and as a freelance journalist has written for a number of equestrian publications including "Horse and Hound" and "The Irish Field". Jo takes up her new post on 2nd January 2004.


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