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Irish Rider Second In Grand Prix Kur - Milan Masters CDI** Italy

Irish international rider Anna Merveldt-Steffens finished off her 2003 season on a high note when taking 2nd place in the Grand Prix Kur (Freestyle to Music) with the 10 year old German bred mare Hera on a score of 67.99% at the Milan Masters CDI** in Italy today (Saturday 20th December 2003).

The Grand Prix Kur was won by Birgit Wientzek Plage on Sappalot with a score of 70.61%. It was a double for the Swiss rider as she had won the Grand Prix on Thursday (18th December 2003) as well. Fellow Swiss competitor Hansruedi Geissmann on Florian XII took third place on a score of 66.77%

International Dressage Competition
Milan Masters Grand Prix Kur (Freestyle to Music)

3.FLORIAN XII;Handruedi GEISSMAN; (SUI) 66.77%
4.REVEILLE;Kamila DUPONT; (USA) 66.02%
5.FIBRIN; Marcela KRINKE-SUSMELJ; (SUI) 65.86%
6.ROGER 27;Monica IEMI; (ITA) 62.11%


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