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Federation Equestre Internationale News

FEI World Cup Driving

Schrijvers wins FEI World Cup Driving at home soil

Gert Schrijvers has won the FEI World Cup Driving competition during the Flanders Christmas Horse Show in Mechelen, Belgium. Encouraged by the enthusiastic crowd in the sold out Nekkerhal, Schrijvers drove his team of Arabo Friesian sport horses fluently through the course, designed by German course designer Falk Böhnisch. For Schrijvers it is his first win in the three year old history of the World Cup. OI am very pleased with my performance. The horses went very well and I did not make any mistakes myself,¹ explains Schrijvers, who used the same horses as he does during the outdoor season. By winning in Mechelen, Schrijvers has climbed to the second
place in the standings, which is led by Michael Freund. Germany¹s Rainer Duen, driving his first World Cup event of this season, made up for his elimination in the warm up competition by driving the only clear round of this evening, and came second. Werner Ulrich, winner of the warm up competition, took the third place, driving his team of Swiss horses. Ulrich has climbed to the third place of the standings and has, like Schrijvers and Freund, two more competitions to go. Tomas Eriksson from Sweden passed the finish line two seconds faster than the winner of the World Cup, but the double World Champion knocked three cones down and dropped to the fourth place. The special indoor team of triple World Champion Ijsbrand Chardon from the Netherlands was still missing the indoor routine. Chardon drove a fast round but had 15 penalty seconds added to his score and had to be satisfied with the fifth place. The Belgian wild card drivers Valere Standaert and Achille Snoeys took places six and seven. Walcon, a
construction company owned by Walter Goudsmet, sponsored the World Cup Driving competition in Mechelen. Goudsmet, who got involved into carriage driving through Achille Snoeys, announced that he would continue his sponsorship for the next years.

The next World Cup competition takes place in Leipzig, Germany, on 25 January 2004.

Created in 2001, the Driving World Cup has provided an innovative new style of competition for indoor events, with courses combining marathon and cone driving obstacles. The 2003/2004 season of the World Cup includes seven events with eight competitions: Stuttgart (GER), Stockholm (SWE), Mechelen (BEL) in 2003; Leipzig (GER), two competitions in Vigo (ESP), 's-Hertogenbosch (NED) and Göteborg (SWE) in 2004.

The winner of the first two editions of the World Cup was Michael Freund (GER).

Relevant internet addresses:

Flanders Christmas Horse Show:
World Cup Driving:


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