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ILPH in Brussels to Lobby MEPs

Representatives from the ILPH (International League for the Protection of Horses) were in Brussels earlier this week to lobby support from MEPs on slaughter horse related issues.

Comments Jo White, Campaigns Manager at the ILPH, "We went to Brussels to gain further support from the politicians for our two inter-linking campaigns, against the long-distance transportation of slaughter horses and the possible resumption of the live export of horses and ponies from the UK to the continent for slaughter.

"We are concerned about certain aspects of the draft EU Animal Welfare Regulations, published this summer, that will affect the transportation of slaughter horses into the EU and could allow the resumption of live exports of horses and ponies from the UK to the continent.

"The new regulations are currently being examined by the European Parliament who will compile a report to send to the European Commission on their findings early next year. We felt that this was the right time to lobby for support from all the relevant MEPs, from all the Member States.

"The response in Brussels was excellent and we shall continue to work with MEPs, the European Commission and the British Government towards achieving our goal of stopping the long distance transportation of slaughter horses and, that of ensuring that our horses and ponies never leave these shores again for slaughter abroad."

Those who would like to support the ILPH campaigns can either add their name to the ILPH Say NO to Live Exports online petition, that currently has 26,000 signatures, at or can call 0870 906 1927 for either a Say NO to Live Exports or a Transportation (Stop the Suffering) campaign pack. These packs will include a petition as well as a copy of a letter to send to Secretary of State Margaret Beckett, and information on how they can support the campaign.



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