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'Ambassador' for Horse Industry rewarded at 'Scottish Land-based Modern Apprentice of the Year' Awards

Ryann Walker, a riding instructor and groom from Milngavie, was one of six finalists in the recent 'Scottish Land-based Modern Apprentice of the Year Awards 2003'. Ryann took second place, receiving a special achievement award, in recognition of her commitment and positive attitude to learning. She was presented with her award and certificate of achievement at an evening ceremony hosted by Lantra, the Sector Skills Council for the Environmental and Land-based Sector.

Eligible candidates from across Scotland competed for the award, representing a range of land-based industries including greenkeeping, floristry, agriculture and equine. The award is designed to reward Modern Apprentices in Scotland who have demonstrated a commitment to training, gained knowledge in a specialised land-based subject and supported others as part of their personal development.

Ryann impressed the judges with her all-round ability and determination to achieve her Modern Apprenticeship in just 6 months. In particular, her commitment to helping colleagues and real love of the horse industry really shone through.

"The commitment Ryann has shown to her training has been outstanding, both at work and in her spare time", says Jenda Westwood, Lantra's Regional Development Consultant. "Ryann achieved her Modern Apprenticeship in record timing and her ambition to succeed played a large part in her success".

Ryann also spends a lot of time supporting a colleague with learning difficulties who is currently working towards a Scottish Vocational Qualification (SVQ) at Level 2.

David Stevenson, Lantra's Executive Director, Scotland said, "We are pleased to reward the hard work and achievements undertaken by apprentices in our sector. We are very keen to recognise successful individuals and in so doing inspire new entrants to consider a career in environmental and land-based industries.

Modern Apprenticeships are a vital way for individuals to develop a career in the sector. They give individuals the opportunity to develop skills and experience whilst actually doing the job. And because of the flexible nature of the learning programmes, the apprenticeship can be tailored to suit the needs of both the employer and the apprentice - so it's a win-win situation."

Around 800 individuals are currently following a Modern Apprenticeship in the environmental and land-based sector in Scotland. Over 300 have completed since 2000.


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