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Miami Projects and Debbie Stephens

WELLINGTON, FLORIDA-January 17th and 18th:
The Winter Equestrian Festival would like to announce on the weekend of January 17th and 18th a fundraising event to raise the awareness to cure paralysis. Proceeds from the event will benefit the Nick Buoniconti Fund and benefit The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis. The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis and Jackson Memorial Hospital will be working with the 2004 Winter Equestrian Festival to provide proper health care to our equestrians.

Last year Grand Prix rider Debbie Stephen's was critically injured from a fall from her horse. During the first 48 hours of her injury Debbie received improper care which could have ended her career as a professional athlete. Debbie attributes her proper care and rehabilitation to The Miami Project and Dr. Bartholomew Green, "It is long overdue that the equestrian community has the accessibility to top physicians after an injury to rehabilitate them and get them back to their competitive state, and The Miami Project will provide this for all of us." After Debbie's injury last year she has dedicated herself to raise the awareness for a cure for paralysis and the immediate need to bring proper healthcare to the equestrian community nationwide, "It is inevitable that we are going to get hurt, but it is not inevitable that we need to be delayed by improper care."

A full weekend of events is scheduled and includes some of the worlds leading equestrian athletes. This fundraiser is a first in equestrian history where top athletes of the sport have been pulled together at the same time. Fifteen or more clinics will be offered and feature current and former Olympic team members. These professionals will be donating their time, knowledge, and skill in several disciplines. The clinics include hunters, jumpers, demonstrations, and course design. This spectacular weekend of superstars is sure to grab everyone's interest. Auditors are welcome free of charge, however donations are encouraged. A silent auction is going to be held on Saturday evening in conjunction with the Winter Equestrian Festival kickoff exhibitor party. For more information please contact: (570) 881-5854


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