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horse Tim Stockdale - Robinsons first celebrity guest

Show jumper Tim Stockdale, sponsored by Fresh Direct, was warmly welcomed by Robinsons as the first celebrity guest to visit their Superstore. Following a radio interview on Radio Merseyside, Tim then called at the Superstore to promote his new series of Successful Show Jumping videos from Equestrian Vision. With three videos: the first, Laying the Foundations, the second, Moving On, Moving Up and the third Advanced Show Jumping, Tim spent a few hours explaining to fans all about his brilliant new video series. As he continued to sign endless autographs Tim was still happy to answer any questions about his career, his horses and also riders own problems that they were having with their own horses. His advice was always sensible and practical and always ended with Tim's mantra - 'Keep it Simple'.

Tim and fan Charlotte Brookes from Bromley Cross, Bolton. Charlotte is a regular Robinsons customer, a huge fan of Tim's and a keen show jumper herself competiting in local show jumping competitions. She was celebrating her 16th birthday that day, (20th November), which was made even more special for Charlotte because of meeting Tim. Autographs were signed and photographs taken of Tim and Charlotte. One of these photographs was then re-produced onto a ceramic mug and given to Charlotte by Robinsons as a memento of her birthday.

After touring the Superstore and having a break in the Nosebag Cafe, Tim said, "This is a beautiful store, it's massive - everything you could wish for from the smallest brush, to the largest set of boots and a huge selection of saddles, human and horse clothing."
Tim took several shoppers by surprise when he was also able to help them with queries on Horseware rugs and Cortaflex supplements. He is sponsored by these companies and believes that they are vital in keeping his horses healthy, happy and contented.

Tim signing for a young fan



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