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horse Kraut, Coluccio, Bauer, and Gardner Top 2003 Show Jumping Hall of Fame Jumper Classic Series Standings

Tampa, FL—December 3, 2003—Robert Kraut, Evan Coluccio, Fred Bauer, and Katie Gardner emerged as champions of the 2003 Show Jumping Hall of Fame Jumper Classic Series.

The Show Jumping Hall of Fame Jumper Classic Series featured classes at more than 70 horse shows across the nation in 2003, giving competitors an abundance of opportunities to accumulate points throughout the year. The Series featured separate divisions for amateur-owner and junior riders with separate standings kept for East and West Conferences.

Topping the amateur-owner division final standings in the East Conference was Robert Kraut of Oconomowoc, WI, who dominated the division since May. Kraut finished the year in first place with 113 points aboard Caviar. Jessica Siuda of New Vernon, NJ, and her mount Camerino took second place behind Kraut with 89 points. In third with 82 points was Joy Slater of Unionville, PA, riding Shindig.

In the junior division, Evan Coluccio of Middleburg, VA, and Romeo proved themselves unbeatable, taking top honors with 148 points. The pair’s victory was due in part to wins at the Tampa Bay Classic in Tampa, FL; Bayer/U.S. Equestrian Team Festival of Champions in Gladstone, NJ; and Quentin Riding Club Fall Horse Show in Quentin, PA.

Melissa Orlick-Zbierski of Woodstock, IL, and Intersat Floyd finished in second place in the junior division with 123 points. Cody Baird of Greenwich, CT, was third with 120 points aboard Orlandia.

In the West Conference, Fred Bauer of Millbrae, CA, and Marble Arch took top honors in the amateur-owner division with a score of 101 points. Bauer and Marble Arch led the standings since August.

Finishing in second place was Nicole LaMott of Laguna Hills, CA, who earned 80 points riding Laredo. Kandi McCoy Stewart of Leona Valley, CA, took third place with 74 points aboard Froccs.

The top spot in the West Conference junior division standings went to Katie Gardner of Westlake Village, CA, and Ce Ce Capone with a year-end total of 142 points. In second place was Randy Sherman on Cuervo Nero with 116 points, and finishing the year in third place with 98 points was Katy Brandes of San Juan Capistrano, CA, aboard Odessa Van de Somme.

The final standings in the 2003 Show Jumping Hall of Fame Jumper Classic Series, sponsored by Kinloch Enterprises, the Lake Placid Horse Show Association, and Stadium Jumping, Inc., appear below:

East Conference – Amateur-Owner Division – FINAL STANDINGS

Horse Rider Owner Points
1. Caviar Robert Kraut Robert Kraut 113
2. Camerino Jessica Siuda Windward Farm/Siuda Family 89
3. Shindig Joy Slater Fat Chance Farm 82
4. Education Cara Cheska Cara Cheska 80
5. Jolien Rebecca Astrom Twin Oaks Farm/Pamela Astrom 76
6. Kennedy Laura Linback Woodrun Farm 73
7. Illusion Tani Anderson Zeidler Farm, LLC 65
8. Dixie Chick Martha Laurie Martha Laurie 62

East Conference – Junior Division –FINAL STANDINGS

Horse Rider Owner Points
1. Romeo Evan Coluccio McLain Ward 148
2. Intersat Floyd Melissa Orlick-Zbierski Lynn Zbierski 123
3. Orlandia Cody Baird October Farm 120
4. Milos II Alison Flury Aliboo Farm, Inc. 94
5. Kinda Blue Haylie Jayne Alex Jayne 89
6. Laurin Leigh Healey Mary Alexis Healey/Glenayre Farms 82
7. Champion Charlie Jayne Alex Jayne 72
8. Rosanne Van de Withoeve Abby Carpenter Abby Carpenter 66

West Conference – Amateur-Owner Division – FINAL STANDINGS

Horse Rider Owner Points
1. Marble Arch Fred Bauer Fred Bauer 101
2. Laredo Nicole LaMott Nicole LaMott 80
3. Froccs Kandi Stewart Kandi Stewart/Grey Fox Farm 74
4. Premiere Jennifer Preletz Jennifer Preletz 52
5. Pacifico Ashley Woodhouse Ashley Woodhouse 40
6. Friponnier II CH Kelly Fong Kelly Fong 38
7. Heraklion Tracy Kenly Tracy Kenly/Kenly Farms, Inc. 37
8. Idolin Gigi Hewitt Gigi Hewitt 35
8. Only One Josephina Nor Josephina Nor 35

West Conference – Junior Division – FINAL STANDINGS

Horse Rider Owner Points
1. Ce Ce Capone Katie Gardner Katie Gardner 142
2. Cuervo Nero Randy Sherman Darryl Williams & Assoc. 116
3. Odessa Van de Somme Katy Brandes Blenheim Farms 98
4. Carlino 4 Lane Clarke Trio Sporthorse 58
5. Good Karma Danielle Grice Danielle Grice 57
6. Xstatic Shelby Walter Lancer Farm, LLC 47
7. Fahrenheit Shelby Walter Lancer Farm, LLC/Sopranos Farms 44
8. Magdaline Randy Sherman Darryl Williams & Assoc. 43
8. Moonlight Lane Clarke Paige Dotson/Dotson Family 43

The Show Jumping Hall of Fame and Museum at Busch Gardens in Tampa, FL was established in 1987 and formally opened in 1989. It was organized to promote the sport of show jumping and to immortalize the legends of the men, women and horses who have made great contributions to the sport. The Show Jumping Hall of Fame also conducts the Show Jumping Hall of Fame Jumper Classic Series, held under Grand Prix rules and specifications. The Series is designed to give amateur-owner and junior riders an opportunity to compete at higher levels and serves as a proving ground for many riders who aspire to someday represent the United States in international competition.

For more information about the Show Jumping Hall of Fame Jumper Classic Series, please visit the Show Jumping Hall of Fame website at


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