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Gray Successful At Euro Cup Final

Mary-Haskins Gray, of Greensboro, NC, represented the United States at the Waldfried Euro Cup Final held December 11 – 14, in Frankfort, Germany.

Gray and her 10-year-old Russian Budenny gelding, Fregat (Fakir – Rampa) placed 3rd in the first round of competition with a 66.67%, 4th in the second round with 67.13% and 3rd in the musical freestyle with 70.33%.

Page Gray, mother of Mary-Haskins Gray, said she was proud of our Young Rider Program and the efforts of those to help the upcoming riders to gain valuable international competition experience.

Gray was selected by the USA Equestrian/USET Dressage Credentials Committee to represent the United States at the Waldfried Euro Cup Final based on her individual gold medal and team silver wins at the North American Young Riders’ Championships this past August, her victory at the USET Festival of Champions JR/YR Division and other numerous wins throughout the year


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