
"Good Horsemanship is Built on Solid
Basics...So is Good Business!"
Business & Association Development, Marketing, Professional Workshops
forthe Horse Industry
What? Another meeting?
Let's face it. Meetings are not always fun, effective
or productive. Yet some meetings leave you abuzz when they close. You're
informed, energized, motivated, spurred into action. If only all meetings
could go this way. It requires thought and skill to run a good meeting.
Whether you coach students, have horse business employees, participate
part of a volunteer activity, or meet with your professional horse
association, you can develop and add to your meeting facilitation skills.
Let's take a look at the basics of running meetings that sizzle rather
First, determine what you are looking for as your meeting outcomes. Do
you want decisions made? Are you looking for shared information? Or will
be looking for both?
Then, set your agenda, meeting time and length. Send these ahead of
time if possible to the meeting attendees. During the meeting opening
for a means for people to get to know who the others are. This can be
accomplished with name tags or by allowing time for each individual to
their name, affiliation, or purpose for being at the meeting. The size
the group may impact your choice here. As the meeting opens get agreement
from all that are there that these are the items to be taken up, and that
the time frame is acceptable. After you have agreement, test the meeting
outcomes. Propose that "We'll do this.. so that..." Getting
agreement from
the meeting attendees turns them into meeting participants.
Keeping everyone involved is easier to accomplish if you use flip
charts throughout the meeting. The agenda would be on one, and posted
in an
easily seen spot. Two other sheets will be needed: one for assigning tasks,
or a "to do" list; the other for items that need to be handled
at some other
time in the future, or "parking lot" list. Ask someone to be
a recorder.
This person will take the notes on the flip charts as the meeting
progresses. . As the meeting moves through each agenda item, the group
decide if an action is to be taken, who will take the action, and in what
time frame. This is all recorded on the To Do chart. If an action is
determined, but the time frame is not right, there is no one to take
responsibility, or it isn't a high priority, it goes on the Parking Lot
list. When actions are recorded so that all can see them, there is much
room for misunderstanding. It is also clear to all who will be responsible
for what actions following the meeting.
The decision-making process is very important when working with groups.
Be sure to get agreement on each agenda outcome before you move on. This
sometimes be difficult due to competing ideas or competing personalities.
The bottom line is to ask the question " Can everybody live with
decision?" That doesn't mean that everyone thinks it is absolutely
the best
decision. It means that they can live with it, that it may have an area
compromise for them personally, but that by-and-large it is a good decision.
As previously mentioned, the meeting facilitator will be dealing with
variety of people, and must be ready to react to the actions of different
personalities. This is not an easy task, but preparation strengthens your
abilities here. Remember that everyone has something to contribute, but
may require active listening, drawing the kernel out, and checking your
hot buttons before and during the meeting. The following list gives some
basic ideas to help with this.
The aggressor is someone who is intimidating, hostile and likes to
threaten. The best approach to this individual is to listen to everything
the person has to say. Avoid arguments and be formal, calling the person
name. Be concise and clear with your reactions.
The underminer takes pride in criticism and is frequently sarcastic and
devious. Don't overreact to this person. Focus on the issues and don't
acknowledge the sarcasm.
The unresponsive person sits quietly, doesn't reveal his/her ideas, and
difficult to talk to. Ask open-ended questions, and learn to be silent
wait for the person to say something. Be patient and friendly. You may
to request that others also extend this courtesy.
The egotist is the one who knows it all, and often feels and acts superior.
The best action here is to know the facts. Ask questions and listen, and
agree when possible. Disagree only when you know the facts are on your
Closing a meeting well is also an art. If this group meets regularly
agree on three meeting outcomes to talk about back "out on the streets".
There is a lot of information presented at most meetings, often with a
of subsequent dialogue, and decisions based on all the input. Choosing
outcomes to talk about sends a unified to those that ask how things went.
It also minimizes the opportunity for misunderstanding, misinformation
topics taken out of context.
Include enough time during the closing to ask for feedback from those
attending. Ask each person to state one positive thing about the meeting,
and one thing that could be done better next time. Record all of these
on a
flip chart also.
To further enhance the meeting effectiveness, remember these tips:
· Start on time and end on time.
· Don't compete with the group members. Give their ideas precedence
· Listen to everyone. Paraphrase or restate what they've said,
but don't
· Assume that all ideas have value. Don't put anyone on the defensive.
· Dominant personalities need to be controlled, not alienated.
· Remember that your interest, energy, and enthusiasm are contagious.
· Provide reminders to all participants about where they are on
the agenda
and what's expected of them.
· Check with the person who owns the problem to see if the proposed
is one he/she can live with.
· Give others a turn a running the meetings. Those who learn to
lead also
learn how to participate.
(Lisa Derby Oden has been providing business development, marketing, and
association consulting services to the horse industry since 1995. Oden
is author of "Growing Your Horse Business" and "Bang For
Your Buck: Making $ense of Marketing For Your Horse Business." She
is the 1999 AHC Van Ness Award recipient for outstanding service to the
horse industry. She can be reached at: (603)878-1694; email at Lisa@horseconsulting.com;
or visit her
website at www.horseconsulting.com)