Safety First . . .The
Frank Bell Training Philosophy
The results of Frank Bell's training
philosophy are showing up in riding programs and stables throughout
the world. His success in curing the most difficult problems and giving
riders a game-plan and a distinct place to start with all horses,
has brought him wide acclaim and a rapidly-growing following
Every successful horse training experience
can be interpreted in terms of "relationship". And as
with a first date, things can go terribly wrong when meeting up
with a horse for the first time. Taking it slow, spending the time
to develop trust and comfort in the relationship is good advice
for first dates and everyone's first meeting with a horse.
Please read the following articles to learn
Moonstruck....Who's Teaching Who?
The Power Of Touch
Lone Ranger Loads again . . . Finally
The Fine Art of De-spooking
Wally and His Girls Afternoon Adventure
Waltzes Through His Trauma
Paramount Learns
To Give It Up . . . Again
Return To Paradise
Ballets Into The Ribbons
For Mustangs
Moves Into The Passing Lane
Wild Horses of Abaco
The Ties That Bind
On Safe Ground
To A Safe Stop
Frank Bell's company Dances with Horses offers a
variety of products to help horse owners of every discipline in their quest to
become better communicators.
"Dances With Horses has assembled an
extensive Video and Audio library to help horse owners on all levels become
better communicators: 'Discover the Horse You Never Knew' - Frank's Foundation
Video detailing his 7-Step-Safety-System, Communication in the Saddle,
Spooking/Shying, Trailer Loading, Solving 7 Common Horse Problems, Mounting the
Difficult Horse AND Problem Foot Handling, Water and Bridge Crossing, Working
with Young Horses, Starting the Young Horse, Retraining the Racehorse, A Day in
the Life of a Horsewhisperer, AND audio book- The Gentle Solution- 7 Steps to
the Horse You Always Wanted.
Please visit our website at